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Manado Adventist Hospital

Manado Adventist Hospital is part of the Association of Adventist Hospitals in the World. The hospital is a Christian health service institution that is fully supported by a foundation under the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

istory of Manado Adventist Hospital

This hospital is a hospital that has been dreamed of by members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (GMAHK), especially in eastern Indonesia, since 1974. With the enthusiasm of the GMAHK leadership and all GMAHK members, all kinds of activities were carried out to make this dream come true, so that in 2005 a preparatory team for the construction of the Manado Adventist Hospital (RSAM) was formed, Dr. Jay M. Tombokan, MBA as director of RS.Advent Bandung (RSAB) who was considered successful in building RSAB was appointed by the Executive Committee of the Eastern Region Indonesian Conference Union (UKIKT) as Chair of the Team for the realization of RSAM development. Everything done by Dr. Jay M Tombokan with the team and with the support of Rev. B.J. Sepang MA. As Chair of UKIKT at that time, finally on December 3 2007 this dream came true. RSAM with ownership of the Manado Adventist Hospital Association which is under the auspices of GMAHK began its work under the leadership of Dr. Eddy Antou, MBA-H as director and Mr. Ronny Mawu, MBA as deputy director of finance started operations with an inpatient capacity of 40 beds served by 25 nurses led by Ns S.C. Kainama, MSN, apart from that, RSAM is also served by 3 permanent general practitioners and several consular doctors.

After operating for 1 year, RSAM had approximately 1000 patients, both inpatient and outpatient, so that RSAM at the same time increased its bed capacity to 60 beds for inpatient services. This adds to the belief that RSAM continues to develop and has the full trust of the community so that on December 3 2008 the Manado Adventist Hospital was inaugurated by the Governor of North Sulawesi Province Drs. S. H. Sarundajang and Central Leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South Asia Pacific Division. RSAM's joy was further enhanced by the donation from the Governor in the form of 1 red plate Travelo Ambulance unit and road asphalting in the RSAM area. On May 28 2009, RSAM obtained a RSAM Operator Permit as stipulated in the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number HK.07.06/III/1915/09 and has 100 beds for inpatient services. On November 3 2010, as a form of improving the quality of service and hard work of the leadership and employees, RSAM received Full Accreditation recognition for 5 basic services from the Indonesian Ministry of Health through the Hospital Accreditation Commission (KARS) that RSAM had met service standards. On June 30 2011 based on the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number HK.03.05/I/1531/11 concerning Determination of Type C Class.


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