Rules and Regulations

Patient and Visitor Rules and Regulations

Welcome to the plenary service at Manado Adventist Hospital, thank you for the trust you have placed in us to serve you regarding your health. For the sake of order and smoothness in the treatment room, there are special things that you need to pay attention to and ask for cooperation:
MORNING : 10.30 WITA to 12.00 WITA
AFTERNOON : 16.30 WITA to 18.00 WITA
Intensive Room (ICU)
MORNING : 11.00 WITA to 12.00 WITA
AFTERNOON : 17.00 WITA to 18.00 WITA

After the visiting time is over, you are expected to LEAVE the treatment room for the patient's comfort and the treatment gate will be CLOSED and  TIDAK MELAYANI access to exit or entry until the next visiting time.

  1. CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS OF AGE Forbidden enter the treatment room.

  2. In certain cases, patients are permitted to be looked after by one (1) guard who has a waiting permit card (guard card). And if the guard card is lost, the cost of replacing the guard card is IDR. 10,000,-

  3. NOT ALLOWED bring clothes, pillows, folding beds, blankets or similar looms and mats to the treatment room.

  4. NOT ALLOWED bring electronic equipment, cooking utensils and valuables to the patient care room if there is a loss NO is the responsibility of the hospital. Manado Adventist.

  5. NOT ALLOWED bringing food for patients from outside the hospital and the patient's family or guardians are prohibited from eating in the patient's room.

  6. NO SMOKING for visitors/families and patients while in the Manado Adventist Hospital environment, including in the parking area, and carrying is prohibited liquor or sharp weapon in the RSAM environment.

  7. Hospital service users. Manado Adventist REQUIRED to obey financial regulations RSAM which has been stated in INPATIENT TREATMENT MANAGEMENT

  8. Cashier and patient account management CLOSED on the day FRIDAY at 17.00 WITA until today SUNDAY at 08.00 WITA.

  9. We hope for your cooperation to help us maintain it equipment/goods in the treatment room and if anything happens damage/loss then we will charge it to you.

  10. Please cooperate with us turn off TV every night at 21.30 WITA. Special every day FRIDAY turned off at 18.00 WITA until SATURDAY turned off at 18.00 WITA until

  11. Take care ORDER and CALM as long as you, your relatives and visitors are in the treatment room for the patient's comfort & recovery.