Vision and mission
"Making Manado Adventist Hospital the Hospital of First Choice for the Community of North Sulawesi Province and its surroundings as well as the Right Hand of GMAHK Evangelism."
Rsam Mission
- Providing quality, professional and focused health services on patient safety in accordance with accreditation standards.
- Improve and develop Health Human Resources who are qualified and competent in their fields.
- Complete facilities and infrastructure in stages according to needs.
- Supports various GMAHK evangelistic activities through the availability of human and financial resources.
Implementation of Vision and Mission
- Each Department, Section, Installation and Unit is required to have a Vision and Mission which refers to the RSAM Vision and Mission and is valid after being determined by the Director with a Decree
- Department, Section, Installation and Unit Work Programs must be prepared to achieve the Vision and Mission of each department
- The Vision and Mission of RSAM as well as Departments, Sections, Installations and Units must be announced to the public through brochures, pamphlets, electronic media and other media so that they are easy for everyone to read.
- Visi dan Misi RSAM dimungkinkan untuk dilakukan penyesuaian sesuai dengan arah perubahan tantangan dan kesempatan, yang berlaku setelah ditetapkan oleh Pengurus Yayasan RSAM.
"LOVE". Implementation of services with a KASIH culture, namely:
- K - Communicative
- A - Enthusiastic
- S - Swift
- I - Integrity
- H - Humanist
Poli Paru atau Poliklinik Paru adalah poliklinik yang menyediakan layanan kesehatan untuk masalah…Pediatric Specialist
Manado Adventist Hospital Children's Polyclinic provides services to pediatric patients.…Internal disease
The Internal Medicine Polyclinic at Manado Adventist Hospital is a health consultation unit...Dental Clinic
The Manado Adventist Hospital Dental Polyclinic serves patients with dental problems,...Surgery
The General Surgery Polyclinic at Manado Adventist Hospital provides services to patients...16
Years of Experience
Medical Spesialities
Ambulance 24 Hour
Happy Patients
Number of visitors: 1,158